360 Degree Feedback Benefits
The 360 degree feedback benefits are numerous – as long as you know how to use this performance-enhancement tool.
As an introduction, to get a background about feedback, and to better position yourself to understand this tool, we suggest you take a look at the following two pages first:
How to give negative feedbackJohari WindowFeedback – like any other tool – can be an effective weapon to improve performance, but if it is not used properly, it can backfire, with devastating effects for the person receiving the feedback.
When you think about the 360 degree feedback benefits, think about this picture here below …
It’s called 360 degree because the person in the middle receives feedback from all around – from her direct reports, from her peers, from her internal and/or external suppliers, from her internal and/or external clients, from her boss, and perhaps even from other superiors in her organization.
First and foremost this is a developmental tool to help the employee grow – this tool must not be used as a way to critic or to punish – there will be many 360 degree feedback benefits if it is used to assist the worker to grow personally and professionally.
The way in which this tool is administered in the organization depends on the specific needs and goals of each company.
Some of these benefits may include:
You can see how you perceive yourself in regards to your strengths and areas of improvement, concerning your abilities and your qualities. You can see how other people perceive you – you receive the general feedback, and also you might get the feedback by groups – direct reports, peers, clients, etc. – the feedback is usually anonymous in order to make the data more objective, in order to help the employee learn from it. You may also see the contrast between how you perceive yourself and how others perceive you. This tool may also help you identify your strengths as well as your areas of opportunity as seen by others.The skill areas evaluated vary from organization to organization – these subjects here below are some examples:
LeadershipManagement skillsCommunicationAdministrativeSelf-organizationDecision-makingMotivation Etc.To keep the effectiveness of this tool and to give validity to the data, it is highly recommended to wait until the person – who is going to receive the 360 degree feedback benefits – has been on the current job at least six to twelve months before taking this instrument.
As a final note, it is important to mention that the person administrating this tool must be well trained to do so – otherwise the effects can be potentially devastating for the worker receiving this feedback.
If an organization hasn’t been exposed to the 360 degree feedback benefits in the past and/or doesn’t have a supplier to do this job professionally, it is highly recommended to find a trusted source – there are literally dozens of quality suppliers in the market – but don’t do this work without proper professional supervision.
To keep on learning about other useful skills, go back to the previous page, or click here.
To learn more about the skills you need to manage the performance of your direct reports, go to our Management Skills page.
To learn more about the skills you need to lead the performance of your entire organization, go to our Leadership Skills page.
If you would like your organization to learn about 360 degree feedback benefits or other management and leadership tools through our speaking or consulting services, please, click on this link.