What is the best leadership advice I would give you as a new manager?
The best leadership advice I can offer you when you step up as a new manager, it is to build your team as quickly as possible.
As a manager you get paid to deliver results - and managing is about getting results through others, through the people you lead.
What do I mean by building a team? By Team Building I mean the following:
- Define a common purpose for your team
- Define specific performance goals that must grow out of your statement of purpose
- Set up an effective decision-making process within your team
- Set up a process that builds genuine buy-in, commitment, and responsibility among your team members towards the decisions made by your team
- Set up a healthy conflict-management process
- Set up a process that holds your team members mutually accountable for delivering the results they agreed to reach
- Build a 100 per cent open communication environment within your team where frankness is rewarded, and where lack of 100 percent honesty is punished (candor must be the norm)
Once you accomplish these seven items here above, you will have built an aligned team where everybody is rowing in the same direction.
Once you accomplish this, you will have a motivated and committed workforce of team members.
Once you accomplish this, you will have built a high performing team where your team members and yourself will have legitimate fun working together and tackling challenges.
It's your choice.
Questions? Ideas? Feedback? I'd love to here from you - just reply to this e-zine and tell me what you would like future e-zines to be about - I'm listening.
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Last 12 E-zine issues:
Leadership is First Among Equals
Serious Workplace Perspective
Is this Innovation
Pick a Good Fight
Improve Engagement
Values and Performance Appraisal
Trust within a Team
Communication Environments
Performance Appraisal
Goal Setting
Have outstanding employees
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See you next month! Jose Luis Romero - Publisher www.Skills2Lead.com July 6, 2010. Copyright: All rights reserved Skills2Lead Ezine is published on the first Tuesday of every month