For Positive Feedback to truly motivate your employees and increase desired behavior, follow these guidelines:
Your Positive Feedback must be:
1) SINCERE: sincerity is related to what you say and how you say it 2) PERSONAL: express how you feel, be yourself 3) SPECIFIC: focus on the behavior; be facts based (erase the word “Attitude” from your vocabulary) 4) IMMEDIATE: provide it within the first 24 hours 5) UNIQUE: don’t mix Positive Feedback with Constructive Feedback (and never use negative feedback) 6) FREQUENT: give it in at least 4:1 ratio (where 4 represents the number of times you provide Positive Feedback, and 1 represents the number of times you provide Constructive Feedback), so your ratio may be 5:1, or 6:1, etc., but never less (i.e., 3:1) However, never fail to provide Constructive Feedback, we all have areas of opportunity and we all need to grow.
Note: if any of these six guidelines is missing in the Positive Feedback you provide to each one of your employees, increase in desired behavior is less likely to happen, you must follow all six guidelines if you want to truly motivate your people and increase desired behavior.
If you would like to learn more about motivation,
click here
to read our article Free Employee Motivation Techniques.
If you find this month’s skill helpful, re-send this e-zine to your boss, to your colleagues, to your employees, etc.
Comments? Ideas? Feedback? I’d love to here from you, just reply to this e-zine and tell me what you think.
See you next month! Jose Luis Romero, Publisher www.Skills2Lead.com March 3, 2009. Copyright: All rights reserved Leadership Monthly Skill is published on the first Tuesday of every month